Earthquakes can happen at any time and they often strike without warning. These are some simple steps that you can take to prepare for an earthquake.
- Survey your surroundings and find the most sturdy locations such as doorways and load-bearing walls.
- Look for items that could fall during an earthquake. Relocate or secure items around chairs, couches, and beds that could fall and cause injury during an earthquake. These items can include mirrors, bookshelves, lights, vases, etc.
- Have tools for shutting off utilities ready and easy to access.
- Have an adequate supply of critical supplies such as food, water, water filter, medicines, etc.
- In the event that utilities are unavailable or your house is damaged have warm blankets, sleeping bags, tent, and other items that can provide temporary warmth and shelter.
- Have a stove or other cooking appliance that is portable and does not rely on utilities.
- Have multiple light sources including lanterns, flashlights, and spare batteries.
- Have a full-charged fire extinguisher.
- Have a plan and know how to communicate with family members.