Emergency kits contain basic items that you may need in the event of an emergency. Assemble your kits before you need it, know how to use the items, and test those items periodically. Emergencies can happen at any time, so be prepared. If a disaster strikes, supplies at retail outlets could be gone in less than an hour. Emergencies can take many forms including earthquake, storm, accident, chemical spill, etc.
Your kits should have sufficient supplies to allow you to survive for at least 72 hours after an emergency. A home kit should include food, water, water filtration, medical supplies, lighting, and protection (sleeping bag, etc.). Local officials and relief workers may NOT be able to supply immediate help. You may need to survive for several days without basic services such as electricity, gas, water, sewage treatment, phones, etc.
There are different kits for different purposes:
- A Home Kit is your most complete kit and includes long-term food, water, warmth, illumination, etc.
- A Vehicle Kit is designed to protect you and your vehicle while on the road
- An Office Kit is designed to help protect workers in the event that they are stranded in the office
- A Hiking Kit is meant to help if needs arrive on a trail or in the outdoors
- A Bugout Bag (B.O.B.) is a 72-hour emergency grab-and-go bag
After assembling your kit be sure to list the contents on a page, keep the kit organized so that you access items quickly, and periodically check items to be sure that they are in working order. Click here to get started on your preparedness kits.