This is a small and lightweight first aid kit that works well in hiking kits or Bugout Bags. I started with the Cabela’s Watertight First Aid Kit and added additional supplies. There are many kits similar to the Cabela’s kit that could be used as a starting point. The kits are not too expensive so I put one in both my hiking kit and Bugout Bag. The basic kit included:
Bandages: 1″ x 3″ (fabric), knuckle (fabric), butterfly
Elastic with velcro closure
Dressings: sterile 3″ x 3″ (4), sterile 2″ x 2″ (2), non-sterile 2″ x 3″ (2)
Medical Tape: 1/2″ x 30′
Butterfly closure bandages (3)
Nitrite glove pair
Triple antibiotic (3), alcohol pads (2), antiseptic wipes (6)
Safety pins (3), splint picker, moleskin
After Bite wipes (3)
Aspirin (2), antihistamine (2), Ibuprofen (2), Acetaminophen (2)
I enhanced the basic kit and added these additional items:
Extra fabric bandages
Steristrips to close wounds (substitute for stitches)
Extra alcohol swabs for cleaning wounds and equipment
Tape card with duct tape and electrical tape
Effervescent antacid, Imodium, Pseudoephedrine, antihistamine, Ibuprofen
Tick remover
Disposable razor to remove hair around wounds so adhesive will stick better
Leatherman MicraTool on pouch zipper pull (tweezers, knife, screwdriver, scissors, etc.)
Single use tubes of super glue (store in small poly zip bags)
Small tube of Vaseline or Carmex to (1) moisturize dry skin/lips and (2) increase the burning time of fire tinder
Clotting Dressing such as ChitoSAM or QuickClot
Backflush Syringe in the Sawyer water filter can be used to flush wounds
Be sure that your first aid supplies are stored in a waterproof bag. Check your supplies periodically and discard and replace any items that are damaged or expired.