Camp stoves are portable, relatively lightweight, affordable, and very effective. Camp stoves usually use 1# propane bottles for fuel.
Useful Options
Camp stoves can be a very viable cooking alternative in emergency preparedness scenarios. These stoves are portable, durable, and relatively lightweight. Propane is a readily available and available in several form factors including the small 1# bottles, 20# tanks used in barbeques, etc. Most camp stoves are built to connect to the 1# propane bottles. When creating an emergency kit that includes a camp stove these are very useful options.
An Adapter Hose allows you to connect a larger propane tank to a camp stove. One side of this hose has threads that match the threads on the 1# bottles. The other end connects to either the inside or outside threads of the larger propane bottle. Most adapter hoses connect to the inside threads on the larger propane bottle. The threads that fit in the larger propane tank are more coarse than the threads that connect to the camp stove. In an emergency having another fuel alternative could be very useful.
A Refill Adapter allows you to refill the 1# bottles from a larger propane tank (details). Having a means to refill the 1# bottles gives you additional fuel options and added versatility.