
It is very important to protect yourself from the sun, insects, and predators.

Sun Protection

The sun can burn your skin and give you heatstroke. You can reduce the harmful effects of the sun and make your outdoor experience better by taking a few, easy precautions. To reduce your exposure to the sun you can wear a large-brimmed hat. A hat can make prolonged exposure to the sun much more bearable. If you use a cloth hat you can soak the hat with water and it will cool you as the water evaporates. You may also consider wearing light, loose, long-sleeved shirt or long pants. These may be more comfortable than short sleeves/pants because they can block sun rays.

Sunscreen can reduce or eliminate the harmful and painful effects of sunburn. Use a sunscreen appropriate for your skin type. Use higher SPF values if you have light skin. When using insect repellent be sure to apply the sunscreen FIRST and then the insect repellent.

Insect Repellent

Use insect repellent to keep mosquitoes and other pests away. I use the very small spray type that contains Deet. Insects can carry a variety of diseases so this is both for your comfort and your safety. The creams normally last longer but the sprays are more convenient to use. Many repellents will be effective for 12-14 hours but check the label. You can also treat your clothes with permethrin help keep bugs away. Some mosquitoes can sting you through your clothes and permethrin can help alleviate that. When using insect repellent be sure to apply the sunscreen FIRST and then the insect repellent.

Bear Spray

When hiking in bear country be sure to carry bear repellent. You must be able to access the spray IMMEDIATELY. Before hiking stop at a Ranger Station and ask about bear dangers and how to deploy the spray. Different species of bears require different tactics so check with Rangers first.