Black Razzberry Iced Tea

Yes, I intentionally misspelled “raspberry” in the title. I substituted iced tea for sodas years ago and have not gone back. Ice tea is healthier, tastes better, and less expensive. This is a very simple sweet black tea with raspberry. You can adjust the recipe to your own taste by increasing or decreasing the amount of tea or sugar.

1 gallon Filtered water
2 tbsp Raspberry Splash loose tea from Market Spice Teas
4 Bags Four tea bags of standard black tea
7/8 cup Sugar (more or less to taste)


  1. Pour water into a pot over a medium heat.
  2. Add the teas and sugar.
  3. Allow the tea to brew for about 30-40 minutes.
  4. Turn off the burner and allow the tea to cool for several hours.
  5. Pour the tea and leaves through a very fine strainer, chill, and enjoy.